Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Light Experiences


Light and Place

Light plays a dominant role in our daily lives enhancing the quality of our experiences; it provides light as well as contentment.  Living on the east coast in a temperate climate, we enjoy an abundance of sunshine brightening our spirits and promoting outdoor activities in our daily lives.  As I rise to greet the day, my mood is mostly cheerful, as I look forward to the brightness of the sun.  This was not always the case, for a brief period of time; I lived in Portland, Oregon where my experiencers with light were dramatically different.  I was lucky to see the sun one day out of a month.  When that day occurred, I would wake up cheerier, rush to my balcony window to view the glory of Mt Hood in the distant horizon.  A beautiful canvas scene of light purple hue floating along the hazy atmosphere sky always accompanied the white peaks of Mt Hood.  Unfortunately, in Portland the normal daylight conditions were predominately dull and uninspiring, as my rise for the day often required additional lighting accommodations. 

Light and Nature

Glistening and filtering are the first words that come to mind when I think of light and nature.  Raised on an island close to the water, I was memorized by the reflections of light upon the water’s surface.  At optimum moments of the day, the water takes on a glisten quality that captures the mind and promotes gazing in contented silence by its beauty. 

I enjoy walks through the woods, watching the light interacts playfully as it filters through the canopy of trees. The quality of light is enhanced by the presence of nature.  Light takes a supporting role highlighting the unique qualities of the natural environment.         

Light and Climate

Everyone is drawn to the warmth of the sun.  Turning our cheeks towards the sun, we momentarily close our eyes to soak up a few rays of sunshine. We feel energized.   We love to vacation in warm climates, and get sunburned in the process.  The strength of the sun makes us consider the needs of protection from sunscreen to architectural qualities of roof overhangs and window treatments for shading.

Light and Time

Humans in essence are tuned to nature.  Our biological clocks awaken us in the daylight, and wind us down towards the night.  My internal clock starts opening my eyes at 7 and dozing me off around 11, but as winter draws near my timeline shifts gradually.  I want to go to bed earlier.  I hate coming home from work in the dark.  I enjoy leaving my workplace when its still light outside.  I think its human nature to want to be safe and secure in your natural habitat, protected from unforeseen elements of the night.  Daylight savings time has distorted the winter months into a prolonged dreariness of longing for seasonal change.  

Light and Task

Working on drawings all my adult life has always made me keenly aware of the needs of task lighting to illuminate my working surface.  As I’ve aged I need additional sources of ambient lighting accompanied with a focused task light source.  Florescent lights usually bother my eyes, whereas incandescent lights are usually more soothing.  The new eco-lights of a florescent wound up like a bulb shape promotes headaches.  The ceiling fan in my bedroom is accompanied with an LED blue hue light that provides little illumination for any task including walking.  

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